“Congratulations!” The ongoer said to me, which was the tenth congratulations I heard since last night in person. And it was the hundredth congratulations so far. I couldn’t help but smile at the person in response and just bow my head at them.
They will praise me now, but then these people will troll me again, for something that isn’t even my fault. For how they trolled me when I was the model for my family’s company, saying that I snatched someone’s place and then the next moment. When I finally focused on pursuing my dream and the moment, I got selected to play for Team India. They have been showering me with compliments.
I am used to people fake praising me, but they don’t know that nothing fears me anymore.
The next step will be what? Make up fake dating news.
The fact is, they might do this too, knowing how desperate they are for news in my personal life. I will stay focused and not let these speculations distract me. I will stay focused on my goals and dreams. I will stay true to myself and not let anyone or anything get in my way.
As I came back to Sachit’s society, the kids from the society gathered around me.
“Bhaiya, Congratulations on the selection.”
“Yes, Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” I said and smiled at them genuinely. “Shall we play our usual game now?”
“My best friend, you are finally here!” Sachit says as he laughs while coming towards me. “I was just going to call you.”
“Even if you would have called me, I wouldn’t have picked up your phone,” I tell him and he knits his eyebrows together. “Because the phone is dead. I forgot to charge the phone.”
“For a minute, I thought, someone snatched your phone.” He says. “Shall I give the phone to Mom and get it charged?”
“Please do,” I tell him, and get the phone out of my pant pocket. “And come back soon, till then, we will get ready for the match.”
“Wait for five minutes then,” Sachit announces and yells while he is going to his home. “मैं यूं गया और यूं आया।”
(I will be right back.)
“So, how long are we going to play for?”
“Hmm, for one hour only,” I replied. “I have to leave for a game that takes place in a few hours, so have to prep for that.”
“Oh! Is the entry free?” One of the kids asks. “I can bring my friends to watch the match.”
“Sorry, the entry isn’t free,” I replied. “As the game is done for the charity. But the ticket fare is cheap and everyone can join.”
“I will get my friends to watch the match today!!”
“Please do come,” I tell him. “The match will start at 1:30 pm.”
They noted the time on their mobile phone and smiled. “We will be there right on time.”
And then we started getting ready for today’s match.
Most of the kids, who are playing here, are playing here mainly because they like playing cricket and also because they aspire to become a cricketer too in the future. I give them tips here and then, when I can while playing, and they listen to them keenly.
Once Sachit comes back, we start our game and make a team of five players each. I was the captain of my team, and Sachit was the captain of the other team. I gestured to my teammates for the huddle and told them the strategy for our game. Once discussed, we nodded in unison and went for the toss.
“Head or tails?” Sachit asks and tosses the coin in the air. Once he caught the coin in the back of his hand, I announced.
As he checked if he won, I smiled as I looked at the displeased look on his face. “What do you want to do? Fielding or batting?” He asks.
And so we played the match. While doing so, as the team captain, my teammates, listened to my advice and played the game accordingly. Once five overs were over, and we had to score only 50 runs, we all smiled in unison, because it would be easy for us.
As I told one of the best batsmen from our team to play in the middle order and told one of the weak ones to play first, he was against it.
“I want to go second last, I don’t want to be the first to bat,” He says. “Tell Rishi to go first. He is good already, and we will score more than 30 runs when he bats.”
“But, I want you to go first,” I tell him. “Rishi is good, but I want to see your potential too when you come under pressure. We have to decide while being under pressure, so it’s like a test for you. I know you can have potential while playing, and you should also know if you can bat well or not. You were a good fielder as well as a spinner but, if you want to become an all-rounder, you have to overcome your fear of batting.”
Sumeet nods his head as I point it out to him. And he does as I say.
In the first over, we scored 10 runs made by Sumeet and Nikhil.
During the second over, Sumeet scored 10 runs again but got caught by Sachit. He was to my utter surprise, happy. Maybe, he didn’t think that he would score more than 10 runs.
Once we scored almost 40 runs, and almost all of us got caught out and ran out, I took over and played. I was getting myself ready to bat when I caught a girl coming out on the balcony. Though her attention was not towards us while she was drying her hair, when she finally looked straight, she saw us playing the game. She stood there for a few seconds but turned her back and returned to her house.
Not wanting to let her avert her attention from us, I focused on her. The ball came and knowingly, I batted in her direction. Resulting the ball fell on her feet, and she turned back. Still, as I wasn’t able to see her face clearly, I was able to see her red dress that was below knee length and it had a quote written on it, I guess.
The kids asked for the ball and she threw the ball in our direction and went back. I was still looking at the place where she was standing just a few seconds ago, but I came back to reality when Sachit poked me on my shoulder.
“Looks like, someone got a crush on our beloved Saanvi,” He says. “But I should warn you, she is someone you should not mess with. I am already trying to pursue her sister. So, that would make it weird if she gets to know that her neighbour’s friend is pursuing her.”
I scoff at his comment. “I don’t have a crush on your neighbour,” I say to him but my eyes kept wandering at the balcony. “I was just curious, that’s all.”
“Curious huh,” He says with the obvious smirk on his face. “Okay, if that’s what you say.”
“Are we still playing?” The boys asked me. “We still need a four to win.”
“Yeah, let’s continue,” I tell them, and get into the position.
Once we won the game, the boys left, and it was just us two, who were sitting on the ground.
“So, are we gonna ignore the fact that you were head over heels for Saanvi?” Sachit says. “I mean, I would be the happiest person alive if that were to happen, but don’t you think that you should at least get to know a bit about Saanvi if you were like, in love with her.”
“First of all, I am not in love with her,” I tell him. “Second of all, I don’t know her, let alone will not fall for her. Considering, I haven’t even met her.”
“Oh, so you want to meet her?” Sachit says, “Leave that to me, I also wanted to get a glance at Sakshi since I woke up, but I haven’t even seen her yet.”
“Sakshi, as in the girl you have a crush on?”
“You could say that,” Sachit replies. “I looked at her for the first time when she came here a year ago. That time, she wasn’t looking at me, of course, but the way she just glanced at me just for a second, caught my breath away. Like, her eyes spoke to me.”
“Woah, and what did her eyes say to you?” I smirked as I add. “भैया मेरे, राखी के बंधन को निभाना?”
“Take that back!” He says to me, with a threat in his voice. “I don’t care, how close we are, I will punch you, if you don’t take that last sentence back!”
“I will not,” I add. “I hope she ties Rakhi to you this year on Rakshabandhan!”
Before he could grab my shirt, I bolted and ran around the ground in a circle and he followed me until his mom AKA Rekha Aunty yelled from their balcony.
“ पोरांनो लवकरात लवकर वर या, नाहीतर तुम्हाला उपमा देणार नाही मी,” She had the spoon in her hands and the apron had Haldi stains on it. “चला, लवकर या”.
(Come here as soon as possible, or I won’t serve Upma to either of you.)
(Make haste)
We both stopped running and gasped for air. When we both calmed down a little, I put my hand on his shoulder and said. “Fine, I take my words back, but on one condition only.”
“And that is?”
“Only when you stop shipping me with Saanvi.”
“But, you guys would make a good couple!” He insists, “She is a scholar, and you are a sportsman. She is a topper, whilst…well you are a topper too.”
“If you still insist on that, I swear to god, I will not talk to you,” I tell him. “Now, can we go? I don’t want your mom to put extra chillies on my upma, just because we got late after her warning.”
“Let’s go!”
Once we started walking towards his house, I felt my heart full of happiness. Sachit’s father aka Rakesh uncle opened the door and engulfed me in a hug while praising me. “I am so proud of you, Beta! ऐसे ही हमेशा अपना नाम रोशन करते रहना, समझे”
(Always makes us this much proud, okay?)
While I was still smiling ear-to-ear, Uncle then glared at Sachit and said. “See, look at him, and atleast get a bit motivated to atleast stay in one lane! Always busy with stupid stuff but not focusing on getting a job soon.”
Sachit on the other hand, sighed enormously. “Like I said, papa. I am still studying for the job, but don’t know if I am made for the government job.”
“Don’t be an idiot!” Uncle said to him as he sat on the couch, while still glaring at Sachit. “Look around. Do you think we would have been able to afford all of these things if I were to have a small business?”
“But at what cost? You rarely spend time with us, you spend most of your time in the office stuck behind a desk, and how many times have we left for a family trip so far? None!”
“बाप को उल्टा जवाब देते हो, शर्म लिहाज कुछ है या नहीं?” His father flared up. “I am the bread earner for this family. If it weren’t for my lame job, we wouldn’t have been able to pay for the dowry of your sister’s wedding, and so for your studies for college! So, don’t look down at my job!”
(Talking back to your father, don't you have any shame at all.)
“Fight later, now eat!” Rekha Aunty meddles and puts the plates on the tea table before us. “It’s still warm, so eat fast but carefully.”
Aunty glares at Uncle and Uncle calms down a bit, but is going to say something when Aunty says. “नाश्ते के वक्त कोई झगडा नहीं, वरना आज खाने में भिंडी के जगह करेला बना दूंगी।”
(No fighting while having breakfast, or else I will make food made of Bitter gourd than Ladies Finger.)
“करेला!” Both Uncle and Sachit looked at each other first and nodded their head in unison They then looked back at Aunty and said. “हम दोनों अभी झगड़ा नहीं करेंगे।”
(Bitter gourd!)
(We will not fight anymore.)
Shocked by their reaction, but smiling silently, aunty said. “भगवान जाने, तुम दोनों काे करेले से क्यों नफरत है,” She was mumbling but it was enough for us to hear. “इतनी तो अच्छा सब्जी है, पर तुम दोनों चटोरों को तो पोष्टिक चीज़े खाना पसंद नही हैं।”
(By god, I don't know why both you hate Bitter gourd?)
(It's such a good vegetable, but you foodies don't like to eat anything healthy.)
“आंटी, आप मुझे करेला बना के देदो,” I said in between, and looked at Sachit while smirking. “मुझे करेले की सब्जी बहुत पसंद हैं!”
(Aunty, you can make Bitter gourd for me.)
(I love bitter gourd.)
Aunty chuckles slightly, and from the kitchen yelled. “तुम ही मेरे असली बेटे हो,” She then adds. “कुछ सीखो इससे, सचित!”
(You are my real son.)
(See, and learn something from him, Sachit.)
Sachit gave me a 'you-are-dead' look and was about to poke me, but Aunty from the kitchen yelled again. “Let Saatvik eat his breakfast, and Sachit, if you say anything to him, I will, against your wishes, make bitter gourd for you as a punishment.”
Sachit frowns and gets back into his room. This is why, I always love their house, this is the thing I expected from my house. Mom and Dad fight lovingly and us having dinner together while talking about how our day went. And instead, my mom and dad don’t even talk to each other, let alone look at each other.
I was still eating my plate of Upma when my phone buzzed. Putting the plate down on the tea table, I looked at my phone and saw some messages from my coaches and mom. I scrolled through messages from my coach and saw the time he wanted us to be there for today’s match, and reluctantly opened her message.
Call me when you get free, it’s important.
Important? What is so important, she messaged me like this.
Gobbling up Upma in haste, I stood up from Sofa, when Aunty stopped me and gave me a cup of coffee.
“Have this coffee, first, then leave, okay?” She says and she pats my shoulder. A bowl full of Upma was covered with another plate on her serving plate. “Sachit, give this bowl full of upma to the Meshram family, It’s a bad omen to give their bowl empty back.”
“What?” Sachit yelled as he just emerged from his room. “What’s a bad omen?”
“I said, give this bowl full of Upma to Meshram’s. It’s a bad omen to give them their bowl empty.” She says frustratedly. “Take this fast and give it to them as soon as possible. Because I just got this off from the stove.”
“Okay!” Sachit says, and I grabbed my cup of coffee and went to his room. Sachit was spraying some deodorant and combed his hair to make it less messy.
“Impressing someone?”
“Yes, we have been doing this almost every week. And I want to look as good as possible.”
“Do you like the girl you have a crush on?” I ask him. “I mean, it’s not just a stupid crush.”
“I do like Sakshi a lot. She is funny, caring, and most importantly, she doesn’t judge me for not having a job yet.” He replies with a smile formed on his face. “She has been giving bank exams ever since she has been living here. And apparently, today one of the bank exam results is going to be declared.”
“And then what?” I ask him. “She will have a job, and what about you? Will you still not prepare for the government exams?”
He was stunned a little by my bluntness, but he should know that regardless of how much he hates to be a government employee, at the end of the day, he should focus on getting a stable job. He is smart and can achieve a lot by preparing for the exams. But the stupid part of him that always is somewhat useless reminds him that he might be taking someone who is worthy’s position.
“I…I…uh, will think about it.” He replies. “But I still think—”
“That you are taking someone else’s seat? You are preparing for the exams, you should know that if someone doesn’t even prepare as such for the exam and still passes the exam, they will get a job with minimal preparation. Meanwhile, aspirants like you, who have prepared day and night but still have doubt that they are taking someone else’s seat, are ridiculous to me. I am your friend, and I can’t handle it if you are letting go of your smartness by being this stupid!”
“Do you think, that I am being stupid?”
“Of course, you are stupid to think like that!” I raised my voice a little. “Tell me one thing, Sachit. What was your dream when you were growing up?”
“I wanted to be a government employee like my father.”
“And why do you think that you are snatching someone else’s seat?”
“Because…uh, a guy from my college said that I am a nepo kid as well. Considering my father is already an inspector and I am following his steps as well.”
“Really? That’s a stupid reason.” I chuckled a little. “And what did that guy from the college do now?”
“He is a…” he mumbles in a whisper.
“He is a what now?”
“He joined his father’s political party.”
“A bit hypocrite I should say,” I mumbled. “See, even he joined his father’s political party, so I think it’s better if you let go of those negative thoughts and focus more on getting a government job as soon as possible.”
“You think so?”
“Well, do you want to date your neighbour or not?” I ask him bluntly, to which he nods his head. “So you need to have a job at least.”
“I hate the fact that you are right,” he says. “And you are right, a girl will also need a guy who has a stable job income.”
“Before you say something else to me, I have to leave,” I tell him. “My coach messaged and said that I have to be there on the ground before the match.”
“Okay, but before that, why don’t I introduce you to Saanvi?” He asks me. “Then you won’t meet her again, as she is busy with her classes as always.”
“I am sorry, I can’t. I have to go.”
I pat his back as I leave his room, and stride towards the kitchen to put the empty cup of coffee on the sink. Aunty smiled at me and gave me a tiffin box in return.
“I have made your favourite lunch, take it with you and eat it during the innings break.” She says. “All the best for your match.”
“Thank you, Aunty!”
I went to reach to touch her feet, and she patted my head.
“Do come to dinner tonight after your match,” she says as she focuses on her cooking. “You are leaving tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, Aunty, I am leaving tomorrow for the practice and then will be going for the test series in England.”
She nods her head. “Chalo, you should leave now. You must be getting late.”
I touched her feet for the blessing again before leaving the kitchen and hurriedly grabbed my kit bag, also touching Uncle’s feet for the blessing as well. I heard Sachit’s voice coming from outside the house. Opening the ajar door, I went past Sachit, and he yelled from where he was standing.
“Where are you going?”
“Sorry, bro. I have to go now. The coach kept messaging and calling me to be there on the ground on time.” I replied to him while striding down the stairs. Sachit, though, started following me till I was almost in front of my car.
“Bro, I was introducing you to Saanvi, just now!” He says as I put the kit bag in the back seat of my car. “She came to see you before you left.”
“Introduce me to her, later,” I said to him, but as I looked back at him, I saw her from the same balcony where I had glanced at her before. She had the bowl in her hand and she kept looking at me. Her hair is so captivating.
“I…uh…I have to freshen up in the house first and then have to go to the match practice directly. Maybe introduce me to her after coming from the test series?” I stuttered at first but reverted my gaze to the car. “I have to go, Sachit. You know I am serious about Cricket. And I don’t want any distraction before my game.”
Without further discussion, I got into the car, closed the door, and rolled down the car’s window. “Bye! Be at the stadium soon. You know how strict our coach is.” I said to him.
Sachit simply nodded his head, and I left his home.
The ride to my house was quiet. I have always liked the hustle and bustle in the household. Still, as my parents are divorced now and Papa being an alcoholic, has been living away from us, Mom has been busy with her responsibilities as a CEO of Sardesai group of companies she has bought the home for me. So, I live all alone in that house.
It’s a good thing that at this point in my life, I have a home, but I don’t know how to make this home alive. I even tried to flirt with a girl who lives in the same apartment building as mine, but my flirting skills may have scared her off.
As I was approaching my house, I got a phone call on my phone. I let it ring and eventually let the call come to an end. Once in the parking lot, I grabbed the phone and saw that the call was from my mom.
When I called her back, she didn’t pick up the call.
I had kept the mobile phone with me and looked at the back seat to double-check. Once I was sure that the things were in their place, I got out of the car, locked the car with the car keys and stood in front of the elevator.
I was scrolling through well-wishing messages when I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder.
As I turned, I saw Neha, the girl I had tried hitting on before, smiling at me.
“Hi!” she says to me. “You are Saatvik, right? From 1502?”
“Yes,” I replied. “And you are Neha, correct?”
She nods her head.
Before she could say anything the elevator door opened, and we both got inside the elevator.
There was a silence for a minute before I coughed a little and got her attention.
“So…how’s your life going on?” I ask her.
She smiles and replies.
“Good actually,” she says. “My job is doing good, and I am getting engaged soon.”
“Ooh!” I said, a bit shocked but covered up with a chuckle. “You are getting engaged. Wait, how old are you?”
“You are 23?” I say. “You don’t like you are 23.”
She was taken aback. “So, how old do I look?” She asks.
“I thought you were 25.”
“And that’s because…?”
“Well, I thought you were 25, just a hunch.”
She didn't speak for two minutes, and while I looked at her, she began laughing loudly. After two minutes, she stopped laughing and calmed down.
“Sorry for laughing out loud,” She says. “It’s been a long time since anyone nearly guessed my age right? Otherwise, for outsiders, I am thirty because of my mature face. Even the guy I am getting engaged to thought I was twenty-nine when we first met. After that conversation, I started looking at myself and looking after my health.”
“Ooh…” I say and her floor arrives.
“Anyway, I wanted to congratulate you on the selection on the team, and thanks for making me laugh out loud. It’s been a long time since I had laughed out this loud.” She says and exits the elevator.
As she left, I was standing in the elevator alone. Once my floor arrived, I went outside and walked towards the house but saw Shanti Kaku’s footwear outside the house.
I pressed the doorbell thrice indicating it was me. Shanti Kaku opened the door instantly.
“Good morning kaku!” I wished her a morning salutation.
“Good morning Saatvik Baba,” Shanti Kaku said back, “मी घर पुर्ण पैकी स्वच्छ केलं आहे, आणि तुमच्यासाठी जेवण पण बनवलं आहे.”
(I have cleaned the house, and made you lunch.)
“जेवण बद्दल,” I said.
(About lunch…)
“त्या बद्दल,काय?” She asks.
(What about it?)
“सचित ची आई पण मला डब्बा बनवुन दिला आहे, आता ते गाडी मध्ये ठेवलेला आहे,” I replied.
(Sachit’s mom also packed my lunch, it’s in the car already)
“चाल्ते, सात्विक बाबा,” She says to me as she hurriedly gets her stuff packed in her small bag. “संध्याकाळी गरम करुन खाऊन घ्या. मी हे आता fridge मधे ठेवते आणि मी उद्या सकाळी लवकर येऊ शकणार नाही, उद्या सकाळी ऋितिका ची Doctor appointment आहे. तुम्हाला चालेल ना?”
(It’s okay Saatvik Baba)
(Warm this up in the evening and eat it then, I will keep this in the fridge now and will not be able to come up early tomorrow due to Ritika’s doctor's appointment. I hope that’s okay?)
“ऋितिकाला काय झालं?”
(Did something happen to Ritika?)
“काहीच नाही, नेहमी सारखे महिण्याचे चेकअप आहे.”
(Nothing, it’s just her monthly check-up, that’s all,)
Shanti Kaku was standing on the main doorframe when we heard the landline phone ring. We both were stunned, because no one calls me on landline until and unless it’s an emergency. I went and picked up the call instantly.
“Why aren’t you picking up my call, Saatvik?” I heard the familiar voice that I dreaded to hear. “Don’t you think it’s wrong to not pick up the call from your mom?”
“Just to be clear, I called you back but you didn’t pick up my call then,” I replied to her while keeping my anger towards her aside. “And what’s the matter?”
She sighs frustratedly.
“It’s about your dad.” She says to me. “He is arrested again, So can you please bail him out?”
“I said, he is arrested again, can you please bail him out?”
“I will,” I said to her and cut the call.
“काय झाला सात्विक बाबा?” Shanti kaku asks me, as I still stood there on the spot.
(What happened Saatvik baba?)
I looked at kaku and asked. “काकू, तुम्ही अजुन १० मिनटांसाठी घरी थांबु शकता काय?”
(Kaku, can you stay for 10 minutes more?)
She nodded her head. “हाे, मी थांबते.”
(Of course, I will.)
I hastily left the home and then went straight to my car.
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